When/ If You Look At..., Brno 2022
installation, composition of fixing tools in epoxy resin, 45 × 60 cm; strap, hooks, paper with text, 23 × 33 cm; wire rope, metal box 32 × 32 cm, led strip.
The project is an exploration of the phenomenon of coincidence.
The definition of coincidence is the coincidence of events or
situations that have no apparent causal relationship. Or more
succinctly, “the holding together of something separate” ( Yoel
Regev. Coinsidentology. A short treatise on method, 2015).
Coincidence strives for a system (Greek: systema, “standing
together”), but never achieves this goal and falls apart again and
again. When we try to describe coincidence, we keep looking for
the same causal relationships, which eventually leads to the
collapse of the phenomenon and its definition ceases to work.
The work itself is a gradual encounter - a recognition of
coincidence. The multicomponent installation does not
demonstrate a specific and known coincidence, but is a method
of registering coincidence in general.
-text is the entry point that focuses the viewer’s attention on
certain things.
-preserved object in resin - composition of fixation tools that
only hold each other: registration of 1/2 of the component of
-shade of the object. It fungue like a monster under the bed.
It is something indeterminate, unrecognized and unnamed:
registration of the 2/2 component of coincidence and recognition
of the moment of the collapse of coincidence (in the shadows
the outlines of the composition gradually blur and fade)
-empty box: the disappearance/decay of another coincidence
due to unused potential to be seen.